ABCS Insignia

The August 2002 Newsletter

July 11 Meeting Highlights

C. C. Goodson

There were 15 members, 2 visitors, and a couple of long lost charter members ( welcome back Allen and Margaret) in attendance. The visitors were Bill White and Greg Bowman, both from Greeneville and both became new members. Welcome. We look forward to seeing you at future meetings and events.

The Board of Directors met prior to the meeting and decided to implement the following meeting schedule:

7:00 Gather to eat and socialize
7:45 Break and stretch
8:00 Business Meeting
8:30 Program
9:00 Adjourn to parking lot for tire kicking and conversation

Herren Floyd showed an interesting video on MG land speed records at the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. This was part of a series on Legends of Motor Sports. The record stood at 254.91 mph. Anyone want to challenge that number with their MG?

The program for the next meeting will be on Electrical Troubleshooting presented by Mr. Wizard's Workbench (Allen Calcote). Don't miss it!

Tips on How to Detail a Car

C. C. Goodson

Start on the inside. Vacuum the headliner, shelves, dash, seats, and rugs. For leather seats, liberally apply a good leather food with your hand. Let it penetrate the leather about 2 hours, then buff with a clean terry cloth towel. For vinyl seats, use Meguiar's Vinyl and Rubber Protectant. Spray on and wipe off using a clean terry cloth towel. Clean the dash with Meguiar's Vinyl and Rubber Protectant. Buff with a clean terry cloth towel. Clean the windows last with a good glass cleaner.

Now you are ready to tackle the outside. Presoak any caked on dirt, mud, bird droppings, bugs, etc. until it comes off without scrubbing. Be careful not to scratch the paint. If the car is cool, start washing from the top, trunk, hood, and then the sides. Use an artificial chamois as a good alternate to the pricey leather ones. It is best to do this in a basement, carport or in the shade. Try to avoid parking the vehicle in direct sunlight or under a tree.

Here comes the hard part. You will need Meguiar's Paint Cleaner, Polish, Carnauba wax, and a good supply of clean terry cloth towels. Apply the paint cleaner from top to bottom with a damp terry cloth wrapped pad. Clean one section at a time using back and forward motions - never circular. Apply the polish using the same procedure and use a clean terry cloth towel to buff off the polish. Next, apply the wax with a damp terry cloth pad, making sure each section is dust-free. Use slow circular motions. When the wax has hazed, buff off, turning the towel often. You can get good results using an orbital buffer with a sheepskin pad.

Yes, you've been working about 3 hours, but you're not through yet! Next you clean the tires, wheels and chrome. Another good product is Meguiar's Hot Rims Wheel Cleaner which is safe for all wheels. Follow the directions on the can. For the tires, Black Magic Tire Foam gives good results. When cleaning the chrome, it is important to use a chrome cleaner that will not scratch the finish.

Last, you will clean the outside of the windows using Windex or a comparable product. Smart tip - use the towel you buffed the polish off on the windows. This leaves a thin coat of wax and serves to repel dust and rain.

Thinking of You

Dick Williams has been in Morristown Hamblen Hospital with pneumonia for several weeks. He was in a weakened condition but is improving as of the time of this newsletter publication. Keep Dick, Richard and family in your thoughts and prayers. You can send cards and notes to Dick at Route 2, Box 4235, Bean Station, TN 37708-9409. We miss you Dick and wish you a speedy recovery.

P-38 Maiden Flight Update

The Lost Squadron Gazette reports the proposed maiden flight of the P-38 is approximately two months away. Schedule updates will be published as received.

Upcoming Events

August 17 - Grayson Highlands State Park, Shelter No. 1
September 7-8 - Sycamore Shoals Celtic Festival
September 12-15 - Healeys in the Smokies
September 22 - ABCS 10th Anniversary Picnic and Gathering, Warrior's Path State Park
September 28 - Autumn in the Mountains, A British Car Gathering, Flat Rock, NC

Behind the Smile

(Another Blast from the Past by Al Bradley - Circa 9/98)


As I write this, it is the doldrums of August; "dog days" as they are known here. I can remember being hotter though.

Comes to mind that a few short years ago, The Lady Who Lets Me Live in Her House and I ventured to Asheville, NC for a meeting of the Austin-Healey Club of America. Normally, Asheville is a place to go in order to escape the heat, but not this July. This was a hot day even Asheville couldn't cure and on top of that, we were driving the Big Healey. Now, the Austin-Healey 3000 has a well-deserved reputation for warming its occupants on even a moderate day. This Healey was no exception and it also was overheating just to prove the point and make things worse.

So, having scaled the mountain that leads through Sam's Gap from Erwin, TN to the usually breezy heights of Asheville, the Healey had managed to warm itself and us very successfully, thank you.

Not only that, but, as usual, we were lost and had no clue where we were going. My attempt to ask directions of the local wino on a street corner resulted in unintelligible mumbles punctuated with belches and gasps [and worse!] so that we were actually happy to see the light change so we could try to find our way by some other means. And not only that, but now there was another Healey behind and obviously following us - a trusting soul in a 100 from Indiana whose license plates said simply, "BONDO".

At the next traffic light, I found myself sweating profusely alongside a two-story GMC pickup truck. Now, the occupants of this truck were invisible to me behind a veritable curtain of frost on the outside of their windows from the air conditioning inside. This dark green monster just stood there, its diesel engine roaring and clattering, vapors rising from the windshield and that cursed rime of frost on its windows.

Finally, one of the occupants on the nearest side noticed our car, "BONDO" still following faithfully, and she pointed, waved and motioned for us to wait as they proceeded to s-l-o-w-l-y lower a frosty window.

As showers of ice cascaded from that window, a blonde lady looked out. Before she could say anything, I gasped; "It's hotter than hell in here!"

The lady replied; "Yes, maybe, but you LOOK COOL".

Then, of course, the light changed, the GMC behemoth rumbled away leaving flakes of ice and snow in its path and we soldiered on to find our way - eventually - to our destination.

This whole incident has led me to believe that there are times, even on a hot day, when just looking cool should be enough!

Blonde Joke

A blonde was bragging about her knowledge of state capitals. She proudly says, "Go ahead, ask me, I know all of them."

A friend says, "OK, what's the capital of Wisconsin?"

The blonde replies, "Oh, that's easy: W."

ABCS Officers & Committee Chairs for 2002

President: Robert Hall, 423-262-0402.

Vice-President: Gael Bright, 423-239-4247.

Secretary: Clarence (CC) Goodson, 423-928-2023

Treasurer: Al Bradley, 540-628-4763.

Newsletter: Jane Ogle, 423-282-5687.

Driving Events: Randall Thomas, 606-432-5153.

Programs: John Hanlin, 423-239-5603.

Webpage: Herren Floyd, 423-239-5455.

Past Newsletters

July 2002

June 2002

May 2002

April 2002

March 2002

February 2002

January 2002

December 2001

November 2001

September 2001

August 2001

July 2001

Jun 2001

May 2001

April 2001

March 2001

February 2001

January 2001

December 2000

November 2000

October 2000

September 2000

August 2000

July 2000

June 2000

May 2000

April 2000

March 2000

February 2000

January 2000

Past Meetings

May 2000

April 2000

March 2000

February 2000

January 2000

December '99

November '99

October '99

September '99

August '99

July '99

June '99

May '99

April '99

March '99

February '99

January '99

December '98

November '98

October '98

September '98

August '98

July '98

June '98

May '98