We had 16 members and 1 visitor, who quickly became our newest member, in attendance. We welcome Larry Bridwell. We are glad to have you and look forward to seeing you at our meetings.
This month�s program was provided by the membership. Each member shared stories about �The one that got away� and �Oh, why didn�t I buy . . .� (we were talking about cars, you understand). Well, there were some pretty pitiful tall tales and some really sad faces as each person took a turn to see if they could top the last story.
The Board met at 6:30 PM prior to the meeting and announced that will be the regular schedule until further notice.
Drive your British Car Week is May 27 through June 2. All members are encouraged to come to Gourmet & Company on Mountcastle Drive in Johnson City, Wednesday, May 29 from 6 � 8 PM. The first 10 cars to register will receive a commemorative dash plaque. Gourmet & Company is known for their outstanding cuisine and those interested in staying for dinner are encouraged to make reservations in advance. Contact Ben Bailey at 283-9356 or C. C. Goodson at 928-2023 for more information.
Don�t forget club hats and shirts continue to be for
The May club meeting will be at the home of Dr. Gerry and Becky Mitchell on May 9th at 6:30 PM.
coming from Kingsport, at the 11W and John B.
Dennis intersection (East Stone Drive) go East on 11 W about
3.5 miles. At the General Shale concrete block plant,
turn left onto Arcadia. Travel about 1 mile North.
Look for 2.5 acre pond with the driveway across the
pond. Go up the left hand side of the drive. The
address is 298 Arcadia and their phone is 288-9862.
Bring yourself, spouse/guest, and your British car.
The Mitchells have generously offered to provide the
food and drinks.
Seven people and four cars met at Rush Street in Kingsport to travel to the Breaks Interstate Park. Ben Bailey led the group through Wadlow Gap and Gate City and along scenic US 71 to an interesting breakfast place called Teddy�s in Nickelsville, VA. They serve breakfast there but don�t open until 9:00 AM on Saturday. We arrived at 8:45 and they were nice enough to let us come in to sit down and wait. Our waitress even took our orders before they were ready to open and we soon enjoyed some good food and friendly service. We finished breakfast about 9:45 and departed for our 10:30 rendezvous with drive chairman, Randall Thomas, and others in Coburn.
The drive was filled with plenty of curvy, scenic 2-lane roads that tested everyone�s skill in handling our sports cars. We arrived at the Breaks and enjoyed a breathtaking view from the overlook. Of course, no one remembered to bring a wide-angle or panoramic camera, so we made do with the point and shoot versions. Herren managed to get some great shots that are included in Page 3. We had lunch at the park restaurant and although we weren�t really all that hungry, managed to enjoy a very good meal � some even partaking of their homemade desserts!
Thanks, Randall and Ben, for another wonderful drive.
Mark your calendars for the following:
May 4 � 15th British Car Gathering, Best Western Inn, in Townsend, TN. Contact John Henriksen at (865) 983-7180 for more information.
May 10-12 � Jaguar Concours d�Elegance at Brittlebank Park in Charleston, SC. Contact Julie Beech at (843) 552-6555 for more information.
May 15 � Ben Bailey will lead a drive on this Wednesday from Johnson City to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Meet at 8:00 AM at the Sears Automotive parking lot next to McDonald�s on Roan Street and Mountcastle Drive in Johnson City. Destination is the Pisgah Inn on the Parkway for breakfast. Contact Ben for more information at 283-9356.
May 17-19 � Gatlinburg Scottish Festival and Highland Games. Friday night parade and Jaguar/British car show Saturday and Sunday. More information is available at www.gsfg.org.
May 27 � Gourmet & Company, Mountcastle Drive in Johnson City for the Drive Your British Car Week celebration and dinner. Contact Ben Bailey at 283- 9356 or C. C. Goodson at 928-2023.
June 29-30 � Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC. Meet at 10:45 AM at McDonalds on I-81 at Exit 59. Will drive to Biltmore, tour the estate and eat on the property. More details in the next newsletter
September � Annual Southeastern Classic British Car event in Gatlinburg. Details available at the following site: http://smahc.tripod.com/seclassic/.
If you have events you would like to include in the
newsletter, please forward the information to Jane
Ogle at jogle@johnsoncitytn.org.
We have all heard those stories about the classic Duesenberg found in a barn on some estate in Vermont or Pennsylvania. I am told that such things do happen, but I tend to have my doubts. On a recent drive, I found myself peering into barns in every out of the way place that we passed through and, out of boredom, I even came up with the scenario under which I might relieve some farmer of the Type 43 Bugatti that had infested his barn for the last fifty years or so. This is the way the conversation would go: �Excuse me, sir, but would you consider letting go of that old car back there in your barn? That old ferrin� car, you mean? Hell, boy, I don�t want it. It�s yours if you�ll just get it off the place here. My worthless brother dragged that thing in here fifty years ago and just left it. Been in that barn, there, ever since, I reckon. I was thinkin� of hauling it to the dump next week. Now, you�ll just save me from goin' to that trouble. It has been in there fifty years? What was wrong with it? I never knew, but he said somethin� about not bein� able to find a set of points to fit it. That and the batt�ry was dead.
Well, I happen to have a spare battery with me, sir, would you care to give it a try and see if it�ll start?
Sure, put some of that gas you brung in the tank, then pour a few drops in the carburetor and let�s crank her over.�
�Well, I�ll be danged, son, and that thing just a sittin� here all them years and I coulda drove her to the dump! Well, I reckon you�ll be drivin� her off now, won�t you? Wait, now, I almost plumb forgot to sign the title over to you. Won�t be able to get no license tags without that, now, will you?
Yes sir, I�ll be driving the car home with me. I�m sure glad to save you the trouble of hauling that old thing to the dump and unloading it that way. I�ll return tomorrow for all the spare parts. Are you sure I can�t give you something for the car? It would help my conscience a lot.
Why no, son, that would cause my conscience to hurt me. I�ll be glad to have that space in my barn back after all this time. Besides � you know � a car that old prob�ly ain�t worth nuthin� anyway.
Yes, I suppose you�re right. Thank you very much, sir. This is helping us both out.�
Well, anyone can dream, can�t they? Thanks, Al.
President: Robert Hall, 423-262-0402.
Vice-President: Gael Bright, 423-239-4247.
Secretary: Clarence (CC) Goodson, 423-928-2023
Treasurer: Al Bradley, 540-628-4763.
Newsletter: Jane Ogle, 423-282-5687.
Driving Events: Randall Thomas, 606-432-5153.
Programs: John Hanlin, 423-239-5603.
Webpage: Herren Floyd, 423-239-5455.