The December 10, 1998 Meeting

By James Childress, Secretary

21 people attended ( 8 wives were present) Ben Bailey shared some pictures he had taken at a motorcycle show in Atlanta. There were a few pictures of motorcycles along with other interesting scenery. The only item of business was the election of officers for next year. The list of officers presented by the nominating committee were elected unanimously (Hope you can remember who they are)

The list of new officers for 1999 is as follows:

President- Richard Williams
Vice President- Allen Calcote
Treasurer- Al Bradley
Secretary- Chris Bordwine

Proposed Committee Chairmen for 1998 are:

Driving Activities- Bud Shinall
Website- Tom Buchanan
Newsletter- Al Bradley

Allen conducted the gift exchange. One gift was a "tipsy Cake" which, according to the ingredients list, contained 1 1/2 cups of Jack Daniels. It appeared to be the most desired item and the real trick was to keep track of it. I think David V[alentine] was the final owner. David also received a special gift from Dick Williams. I don't know the whole story but it was a brick from an old school in Polk County that held some significance for both of them. Carl suggested it could double as a British car emergency brake. We had a good time Al, wish you could have made it. I hope I have written this in such a manner that you will have to rewrite it. I don't have the literary expertise that you and Carl possess.