ABCS Insignia



The name of the Club is Appalachian British Car Society (abbreviated ABCS), and is incorporated in Tennessee as a non-profit social organization. Its purpose is to provide meetings and activities for British car enthusiasts for the enjoyment and preservation of British cars.


Any British car enthusiasts interested in becoming a member of the Club may apply at any monthly meeting. Owning a British car is not required. Membership is open to anyone without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or disability. The spouse of a member will also be included as a member. A membership may be terminated for any reason considered sufficient by a majority vote consisting of at least six of the members attending a meeting. The most recent payment will be refunded to the terminated member.


Dues are to be paid upon joining the Club and annual dues will be due at the first meeting of each year. A member that joins later in the year than September 30 will not be expected to pay dues at the beginning of the next year. The spouse of each member will also be included by the dues of that member. Name tags will be provided to new members at the expense of the Club. Replacement of lost name tags will be at the expense of the member.


The Club will meet each second Thursday of each month except December at a place and date and time decided by the Club. A meal and informal fellowship will begin about 6:00 PM followed by a business meeting at about 7:00 and possibly followed by a short program. A December meeting will be held at a place and date and time decided by the club.


Club business and activities will be discussed at monthly meetings by members with the President or Vice-President presiding. Decisions will be made by a majority vote consisting of at least six of the members in attendance.


Club Officers will consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer elected to serve at least two years by club members at a November meeting. Members may also volunteer to serve as Program Chairman, Drive Chairman, Webmaster, and any other service opportunity designated by the Club. All services to the Club will be voluntary. No Club Officer or member will be paid or otherwise compensated for service to the Club, but the Club may decide to reimburse any incurred expenses.


The President will preside over each Club meeting. The President will communicate or meet with any agents or organizations on behalf of the Club if requested or required. If a decision is required on short notice, the President will notify all members by email, and if time permits, the decision will be made by a majority of members responding and numbering at least six. If time does not permit, the President may make the decision on behalf of the Club and notify all members by email or telephone. The decision may be ratified or reversed at a subsequent meeting.


The Vice-President will preside over any meeting that the President does not attend, and will perform the duties of President in any case that the President cannot. The Vice-President will become President if that office is vacated.


The Secretary will write minutes of each meeting to include who attended the meeting, what business was conducted, and what decisions were made, and distribute them to members by email before the next meeting. The Secretary will correspond with the North American MG Register (NAMGBR) to keep them informed of our Club Officers and our contact information to keep us eligible for their insurance benefit.


The Treasurer will manage a bank account in the name of the Club, receive and deposit dues and other CLUB income, and write and sign checks payable for any authorized Club expenses. The Treasurer will present a financial report at club meetings, and remind members of any unpaid dues. The Treasurer will submit each year a report and the required fee to the Tennessee Secretary of State to maintain the Club's non-profit status.


Suggestions to amend these By-Laws may be made by any member and discussed and voted on at the meeting. All members will be notified by email of the proposed amendment by the Secretary. A final vote will be taken at the following meeting. A majority vote consisting of at least eight members will approve the amendment, and the secretary will make the change to the By-Laws.


A motion to dissolve the Club may be made by any member at any monthly meeting. All members will be notified by email of the proposed dissolution motion by the Secretary. A final vote will be taken at the following meeting. If at least four members vote to continue the club, and each is willing to serve as an officer, those that wish to may resign, but the club will not be dissolved. If the Treasurer resigns, the Club treasury and bank account will be transferred to the new Treasurer. On dissolution of the club, no funds nor equipment owned by the Club will be retained by or distributed to any members. All funds will be donated to a qualified charitable organization chosen by a simple majority of members in attendance at the meeting. All equipment owned by the Club will be donated to an appropriate charitable organization such as Habitat for Humanity or Goodwill chosen by a simple majority of members in attendance at the meeting.

Amended & adopted by the membership on April 13, 2023